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Survey Research Program

Overview  •  Sample Design  •  Data Collection Methodology  •  Questionnaire Development  •  Interviewing  & Data Collection  •  Database Management  •  Statistical Analysis  & Reports  •  Research Registry

Statistical Analysis of Survey Data

Statistical Analysis & ReportsSRP staff can perform statistical analyses of survey data, ranging from simple tabulations to relatively complex statistical modeling using a variety of statistical packages.

Analytic capabilities include:

  • descriptive statistical analyses of survey responses, including calculations of sampling error and statistical weighting adjustments for unequal selection probabilities and non-response;

  • cross-classification analyses with demographic or other predictive factors;

  • multivariate analyses, including ANOVA, factor analysis, linear and nonlinear regression, logistic regression, categorical methods, and structural equation modeling; and

  • longitudinal analyses.

Report Preparation and Presentation

SRP staff have experience in the production of a variety of reports, including simple tabulations, executive summaries, in-depth narrative reports, and oral presentations of results to interested parties


Survey Research ProgramCenter for Social & Urban Research
· Survey Research Program ·




The Survey Research Program is a charter member of the American Association of Public Opinion Research's (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative.  "The Transparency Initiative is AAPOR's approach to the goal of an open science of survey research.  AAPOR seeks to recognize organizations that pledge to practice transparency in their reporting of survey-based findings."

University Center for Social & Urban Research
3343 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15260   ·   412-624-5442